Each pass covers a full day of transit to and from Washington Park, valid for TriMet bus and TriMet MAX Light Rail service.

How to Use Your TriMet Passes

Tap to Board

Tap your TriMet pass on the green reader as you board. The screen will show a confirmation that your fare has been paid, and you’ll hear a chime.

Tap Every Time

Tap the reader every time you board a bus or train, including when you transfer. Your tap is your proof of payment.

How to Get to Washington Park


Both the TriMet MAX Red and Blue Lines make stops at the Washington Park TriMet MAX Station. Learn more about the TriMet MAX Light Rail.

TriMet Bus Line 63 to WASHINGTON PARK

TriMet Bus Line 63 brings passengers directly from Pioneer Courthouse Square in downtown Portland to the International Rose Test Garden/Portland Japanese Garden in Washington Park. See the 63-Washington Park/SW 6th map.